Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wonderful Writing from Year 3 and 4 Students

Sunrise Surprise

The stalk sky loomed, covering the daylight with it's arms. Greyness surrounded me. My hands were shivering like a dog shaking off water. I took a small step forwards and let the outburst of wind rush past me. Craning my neck to look for my soccer ball, I tripped and landed on the dewy grass. As I got up the grass soaked my shoes and clung to my legs.

I lifted my head and looked up at the sky to see lavender, peach, rose, crimson and orange stretched around, not the dull grey I was imagining. The sun was a ripe orange dangling on an invisible thread. As the sun became clearer, I found my soccer ball under the rose-pink blossoms of the flowering apple tree. As I kicked the ball cautiously I glimpsed the sun rise again and thought I wish it could stay like this forever.

Gradually the soft colours faded and the sun began its tiring journey. Slowly, I began to walk back to my modern house. Just as I reached the first concrete step I realised that I had forgotten all about my soccer ball. Running through the pea green blades of grass, I was squinting for any sign of my soccer ball. I had been searching for what seemed like hours before giving up and going inside where it was cosy and warm.

Year 4
Room 17

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